Regis Jones, known to many as K-Drama, is an accomplished recording artist, producer and teacher from Cincinnati, OH. With over 10 albums under his belt, 2 of them have placed on the illustrious Billboard Charts in the Christian, Gospel & Heat seeker categories. As a producer, he's crafted beats on a Grammy-Nominated project as well as several Dove Award & Stellar Award nominated albums for some of the most well-known CHH artists of our time including Lecrae,
Tedashii, Flame, Derek Minor, KJ-52 & many more. Additionally, he has written and/or produced music for 2 movies, a video game & various sporting events with several songs being used as walkout songs in the MLB & AEW leagues. He has performed over 700 live events in 35 U.S. states as well as in Canada and the United Kingdom. Majorly a self-taught music studio professional, he now teaches Music Technology full-time at Lighthouse High School (a Cincinnati Public School) via Refresh Collective.